Preschool Program
The Ocean View School District is proud to offer comprehensive preschool programs, providing a variety of services and programs for preschool children aged three to five years old. We are committed to providing high quality educational programs to support student development and academic achievement, while offering a developmentally-appropriate preschool experience that will lay a strong foundation for our K-8 classrooms.
Our preschools have outstanding teams of dedicated teachers who are committed to providing the foundations and nurturing needed to help our students succeed in preschool.
Our preschools are licensed facilities and adhere to licensing requirements.
College View Preschool LIC# 304371451
Oak View Preschool LIC# 304371695
Westmont Preschool LIC# 304371292
For more information, click on "Welcome" on the left side of this page.
Kid Builders is an easy way to help your child grow in six areas: their mind, words, body, relationships, safety and health. All of these areas are important for your child to be healthy and ready to succeed in school and in life! Learning and growing is fun with activities and information from Kid Builders. Try these Tool Kits!
Also available in Spanish and Russian.
Jenna Landero
(714) 847-2551 Ext. 2873
Luisa Tanzil
Early Learning Supervisor
(714) 847-2551 Ext. 2871
Adriana Boyer
Department Secretary Bilingual
(714) 847-2551 x.2870
Hablo Español
Teresa Gomez
Community Liaison Bilingual
Preschool Programs
(714) 843-6938 x.2885
Hablo Español
Program Account Specialist
(714) 847-2551 x.1108
Main Office:
Oak View Preschool
17131 Emerald Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92647